Nook of Hayder

Savoring Hugo

Hey, forget about React for a moment. Seriously. You can do it. Take a look at a powerful alternative if you want to build a static site like the one you’re on right now. This is built with Hugo,a framework based on Golang that will blow your mind with how minimalistic and incredibly fast it is.

I’ve set it up following a simple folder-and-markdown-file structure using Obsidian, creating a sort of file-based CMS that renders and updates in real-time.

I’ll admit that Hugo’s template syntax, based on Go templates, took me a bit to get used to, but it’s intuitive enough to take the plunge.

In short, if you’re considering a blog or a simple website, I can’t think of a better option than Hugo. I encourage you to throw something together this weekend—it’s quick and mindblowing!